Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back to work.

The little holiday is over.
Last week went way too quickly.
It was nice not to think about sewing for a few days...
And nice not to be at Salamanca Market. In the freezing cold.

Now I have a pile of new fabric to work with. New ideas.
But I also have tons of emails to respond to.
And new orders to fill...
Handbags. Skirts. Purses. A bit of everything.
As well as the usual stock for the stall.

I think I'll start work tomorrow. Not tonight.
Tonight I'm still in relax mode.
And I'm going to enjoy it for a few more hours.


  1. Holy heck woman! Salamanca Market at this time of year? Cast on that toasty warm cowl NOW!

    (PS. Have been pootling about. Your stuff is blooming lovely)...

  2. I guess I"m so admiring of all you clever crafty gals that I forget it can be 'work' sometimes. I'm glad you enjoyed your break, Adriana. x

    PS - 'Hi!' x


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