Monday, June 6, 2011

This week.

Yay. I got one! The new book from that clever lady Nicole Mallalieu.
It arrived in the post today, and I really like what I've seen so far! It's very pretty, has lots of great photos and is filled with heaps of helpful tips and tricks.
This week sometime I'm going to sit down with a cup of tea and have a good read!

This week I'm also hoping to visit a few op-shops. It seems ages since I've had a good scout around for some treasure. I'm always on the lookout for vintage fabric and buttons, as well as homewares... anything pretty really - like most of us, I guess.

This week we have no swimming lessons, no playgroup, no appointments.
Hoping to just spend lots of quality time with my little man.
At home in the garden. At the park with the dog. Playing Lego. Baking. Doing craft.
Hanging out in our jarmies.

I'm also hoping to take it a bit easier with work this week. Maybe a couple of early nights.
Just a handful of new skirts and some new Shoulder Bags to make. A couple of orders to get finished for Saturday, and a few handmade gifts to send off in the post.

And I really need to organise those piles of fabric that still have no home.
They've been living on my cutting table. They get moved over to my sewing bench, sometimes onto the ironing board, occasionally onto the floor... and then end up back on the cutting table.
I'm sick of it. But I don't know where I'm going to put them...

Hope everyone has a happy week!

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