Friday, October 7, 2011

Back to work.

Trying to get back into it...
It's time to pull out the fabric. Dust off the machines. And make some stuff.
I've actually really enjoyed not thinking about sewing. I just totally switched off.
For three weeks I was in 'holiday' mode. And I liked it.
But holidays always come to an end. Unfortunately.

Now I need to switch my brain back into 'work' mode.
Need to stop procrastinating. Need to answer those emails and make up those orders.
Also need to sew some stock for the market.

Thinking of maybe changing things slightly.
Not entirely sure yet what I'll do...  It won't be anything drastic.
Maybe try to merge a couple of styles into one single design.

I'm starting to worry about how I'll cope with my work over the busy summer season.
Happens every year around this time...

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Thankyou for your comments.
I love to read what you have to say, and I'll definitely come over and visit your blog.