Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's cold here.  Really cold.
It has already snowed a few days this last week.
Mount Wellington is covered.  It's beautiful.

It's hard to get motivated to do any work.  Or much of anything really.
I just want to stay in my jarmies, drink cups of tea and do some baking.

I didn't even make it to Salamanca Market on Saturday.
At 6am when the alarm went off it was freezing cold.
It was windy, it was pouring with rain... and I felt rotten.
I seem to have The Flu.  Or at least a bad cold.

Not really feeling very crafty...

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow it sure is freezing in Tassie at the moment. Even here in Qld we are feeling the cold, it was 3 degrees this morning here which is cold here, nothing like your weather though. I hope you feel better soon and keeping warm and the crafting mojo returns:)


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