Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Creative Space.

It's all about Handbag Construction this week.


There's the outsides.


There's the insides.

And there's the straps.

I've been busy. I've made all the separate components.
Now all I need to do is pin them together.
Then sew them. And press them. And fold them.
Then tag them.

Then, hopefully... sell them.

To be inspired and see lots more - head over to the home of 'Our Creative Spaces'...
It's been ages since I joined in, but I always pop on over for a sticky beak.
It's a great place to discover new crafty blogs.


  1. You have been busy...I love the colours you have chosen.... hope you sell heaps :)

  2. Wow - it looks like you have quite the production line happening there :-). I love all the colours in your fabric. I'm sure you'll sell plenty!

  3. Wow you really have that down pat...hope you sell the all. x


Thankyou for your comments.
I love to read what you have to say, and I'll definitely come over and visit your blog.